Having problems with your gate?
Gate Repair Beverly Hills
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Take a look at our tips below to learn how to improve the longevity of your driveway gate and tend to its maintenance needs. Find out why it's important to keep tracks clean, how to deal with common problems and how to inspect the mechanism thoroughly.

Clean the driveway gate track often

The track of your sliding gate will get dirty easily since it is constantly exposed to elements. Cleaning it on a daily basis may be a bit much, but if you keep the surrounding area clean in general, you won't have to worry about that. The sliding gate wheels must move with smoothness and ease inside their track, and things like leaves, rocks or other debris can create blockages that prevent them from moving. That's why cleaning the track at least once a year if not once a month is a good idea.

Proper maintenance can prevent all sorts of common gate problems

A wrought iron gate can be very strong but it will still wear out over time. Without regular maintenance, the need for repairs becomes more and more frequent, seeing as how the gate is constantly exposed to the elements. The metal parts aren't the only ones at risk. Wires can be worn due to exposure and may even tear. Even the lenses of the safety sensors can become damaged, which can lead to a random opening of the system.

Make sure the mechanical parts are lubricated

Most of the mechanical parts of your driveway gate are made of metal and need to undergo proper lubrication as part of your regular maintenance routine. Lubrication can help them move smoother and reduce their wear, which will prolong their lifespan. It can also help in the prevention of rust. Galvanized parts can still require lubrication or their protective coating will crack and expose them to moisture.

Check for grease joints to determine which parts of the gate opener to lubricate

This is the easiest way to figure out your unit’s lubrication requirements. You should also read the owner’s manual carefully and follow the instructions provided there closely. In general, the structure of the joints makes the lubrication quite easy. You just need to open the cap, insert the grease gun and pump a sufficient amount of the compound in.

Check the batteries of your remote opener

Being stuck outside your gate can be a nuisance, particularly in bad weather or at night. You'll find it twice as annoying if the reason you can't open your gate is the batteries of your remote control died. This is an easily preventable issue that will take you less than a minute to deal with. That is, provided that you have new batteries with you. You should always keep some in your car's glove compartment, just in case.

Check your gate wheels to make sure they're not worn

The wheels your sliding gate uses ensure its smooth movement. However, these units can wear out after a while, and when they do, they will hinder the performance of the gate, and may even cause some movement issues. Check your gate wheels frequently and replace them as needed. While you're at it, check the tracks your rollers glide on. Clear them of debris and lubricate as needed.


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Mar 13, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
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